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Kerres | Partners

News & Events

EU AI Act: A Pioneering Regulation on Artificial Intelligence

The European Union is set to regulate the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) through its groundbreaking AI Act. Touted as the world's first comprehensive law governing AI, the Act aims to foster a safe, transparent, and accountable AI ecosystem. This summary outlines the Act's key provisions, intended benefits, and upcoming milestones.

European Court upholds prohibition on posthumous insemination in France

The Court saw no reason to call into question the applicants’ free and informed wish to realise the plans for a family as foreseen with their deceased husbands. It noted that posthumous conception had been prohibited in absolute terms under French law since 1994. (European Court of Human Rights: Baret and Caballero v. France; applications nos. 22296/20 and 37138/20) 


Austrian Regulation on Land Registration Fees 2014 (GrundbuchsgebĂĽhrenverordnung 2014)

On December 27, 2013, the Austrian Regulation on Land Registration Fees has been announced in the Federal Law Gazette No 511/2013 and entered into force as of February 1, 2014.

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