
KERRES | PARTNERS 代表的客户遍布全球。我们的客户都是世界最大的国内及跨国企业和声誉卓著的私人家族。仅2006年,我公司代表的客户就涵盖欧洲、美国和南美的超过15个国家。我们的服务语言包括德语、英语、法语、意大利语、西班牙语、塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语、保� 利亚语、俄语和越南语。 
我们从所有相关的合作伙伴中挑选律师精英,单独组成综合服务团队,全权负责越境交易。我们的合作对象均为全球知名的律师事务所,他们的质量准则与我公司相一致,且有多年的合作基础作保障。此外,我们希望以最灵活的方式,帮助客户解决项目管理或开单等问题。所以,我们从不强� 预设的框架,而是尽可能最大限度地体现客户要求。
KERRES | PARTNERS represents many international companies and enterprises in matters of Austrian Law. Most of our lawyers have attended foreign Universities and obtained Degrees in American Universities. Some of our lawyers have also working experience abroad and while all of our lawyers are duly licensed to practice in Austria, some are also licensed to work abroad such as in New York, USA. Our firm is proud to have obtained special expertise in assisting our clients in international transactions, including M & A and real estate transactions.