Franz West - Regarding the estate of the worldwide known artist Franz West a legal proceeding is pending at the Regional Court for Civil Matters Vienna ("Die Presse")

Franz West - Regarding the estate of the worldwide known artist Franz West a legal proceeding is pending at the Regional Court for Civil Matters Vienna ("Die Presse")
On July 25, 2012 the artist Franz West died in the General Hospital Vienna (AKH). Five days before his death Franz West allegedly founded a Private Foundation and allegedly donated most of his art work to this Foundation. However, due to an expertise from Univ Prof DDr Siegfried Kasper – consultant for neurology and psychiatry – on July 20, 2012, late Franz West has suffered severe pain and agony, caused by his dreadful illnesses so that late Franz West was not in the condition to administer his own legal affairs in this regard.
Therefore, the estate of Franz West filed a law suit against the Private Foundation before the Regional Court for Civil Matters Vienna, claiming, inter alia, that the late artist Franz West was not legally capable of comprehending his actions on July 20, 2012. The first court hearing in this matter has already taken on May 15, 2013. The amount of dispute is supposed to be € 10,000,000.00.The dispute is still ongoing. The next court hearing is supposed to be in autumn 2013.
Published on May 18, 2013 in the daily newspaper "Die Presse".